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Like so many before it, #FourDreamProjects passed like a comet across my twitter feed. And since I delight in being a Master of Foolhardy Plans, why not dream a little?

 A Face Made for Radio

I'm going to pretend that as a child who avidly listened to weekly serialized audio plays, I was an early adopter of podcasts. Through my college years, I followed a few edu-casts in the emergency medicine field, and even recorded a single episode cast of my grad research project. 

Now, they make my gym workout and house cleaning enjoyable with interesting stories (looking at you wolf359, and critical role), interactivity (not only because you read my favourite books, but you have great in-jokes and listener questions Rogue Podron), and education (got any recommendations? I love medicine and medical history).

But since I joined a Discord group for X-Wing pilot fans and fic writers, and discovered Rogue Podron, I have a burning desire to be one of the cool kids. So Dream Project One - getting to play in their universe, even if it's just for one episode. Shameless plug, it would rock my world if it was one of the Toshe Station 'casts. 

We Can Make a Dress So Pretty, There's Nothing to It, Really

One of my greatest joys in diving into the world of Fandom, (basically the sharing of interests and passions with like-minded people and dating back to the 19th century), is the creativity. Fan-fiction, fan-art, just talking over characters and situations and what-ifs, and cosplay. Costume creation, acting in character and working with photographers is both challenging and SO MUCH FUN. 

 Hipster Cinderella. Cosbounding (cosplay using normal shop bought clothing) at Disneyland.
R2D2 Ballerina - representing both the geek girls and the adult ballet students. Auckland Armageddon. 

I've long appreciated the 501st Legion and the Rebel Legion for their charity work, and their scrupulous attention to detail pleases my internal perfectionist. Hence Dream Project Two is to build an X-Wing pilot costume, and specifically a Jaina Solo one, would be an amazing challenge and I'd likely get to meet my local Star Wars fans.
<Planning some later posts about why these particular fictional characters.>

Write All the Things!...?

To already have two of my stories published still seems incredible. But a girl can dream. And sit down at a laptop and write, and send out queries and maybe one day I'll see my name on the spine of a book, or even sign copies for my readers. 

I ran out of characters in my tweet - there are actually three disparate writing projects that would be my Dream Project Number Three to see finished and published.  
1. The Historical Fantasy - a book-sized version of my Five Enchanted Roses novella. 
2. The Military/Detective Sci-Fi - and YES this is already mapped out as two books...
3. The Traditional Fantasy - SO MUCH fun world-building. 

Ohana Means Family

I came to write and to fiercely support, challenge and encourage my people and I've got terrible writers block...
Maybe one day we'll have kids of our own, but for now and even then, I'm here for my found and chosen family.  


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